#!/bin/bash #last update 20130314 C.C.Molling #Seviri version 20140213 Steve Wanzong #This script gets realtime data for a full disk, #Meteosat Image. They get put into /data1/Satellite_input/SEVIRI/ #It only grabs the most recent file. It won't fill the older one(s) if there #are two or more files since the last one gotten. #example: # ./get_seviri.bash # gets most recent file echo `date` #To set this script up for a new region, change values for #OUTDIRE, SCRDIR #--------------------------------------------------------- #get mcidas login environmental variables source $HOME/mcidas/mcidasaccts.txt #cd to the directory holding the script that gets the data cd /home/clavrx_ops/scripts/ #the output directory OUTDIRE=/data1/Satellite_Input/SEVIRI/ #the scratch directory SCRDIR=/data1/Satellite_Input/clavrx_ops/scratch/SEVIRI/ echo 'attempting to download Meteosat Full Disk AREA files' echo 'the command being run is' echo './get_seviri.ksh '$MCACCT1 $MCPROJ1 $OUTDIRE $SCRDIR echo 'begin...' ./get_seviri.ksh echo 'end...' echo '///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////' #end of script exit 0