pro prepare_slicer3,name,data,filename,append=append ;+ ; Purpose: will save 3D arrays in a file with the ; apropriate format to be read by slicer3 ; ; Calling sequence: prepare_slicer3,name,data,filename,[append=append] ; ; name : name of the datas (string) ; data : 3D array to save ; filename : name of the file to be read by slicer3 (string) ; append : if not set, will erase 'filename' before saving ; ; Morisset, IAG/USP, 1997 ; ;- if not keyword_set(append) then spawn,'rm '+filename openu,lun,filename,/get_lun,/append WRITEU, lun, SIZE(data) WRITEU, lun, STRLEN(name) WRITEU, lun, BYTE(name) WRITEU, lun, data close,lun free_lun,lun end