pro PLOT3D, x, y, z, ax = ax, az = az, xrange = xrange, yrange = yrange, $ zrange = zrange, _extra = ex, psym = psym, pcolor = pcolor ;+ ; NAME: ; PLOT3D ; PURPOSE: ; Plot three vectors of points against each other. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; PLOT3D, x, y, z [, ax=ax, az=az, xrange=xrange, yrange=yrange, ; zrange=zrange, psym = psym] ; ; INPUTS: ; X, Y, Z -- Three vectors to be plotted against each other. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; AX, AZ -- Angle of perspective rotation around the X and Z axes ; respectively, in decimal degrees ; [XYZ]RANGE -- Set the range of the specified axis. ; PSYM -- Plot symbol to be used. Defaults to PSYM = 3 (points) ; PCOLOR -- Plot color to be used in points. ; All extra keywords are passed to the axes commands. ; OUTPUTS: ; Plots. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written ; Wed Jul 31 16:16:17 2002, Erik Rosolowsky ;- erase if n_elements(xrange) eq 0 then xrange = [min(x), max(x)] if n_elements(yrange) eq 0 then yrange = [min(y), max(y)] if n_elements(zrange) eq 0 then zrange = [min(z), max(z)] if n_elements(ax) eq 0 then ax = 30 if n_elements(az) eq 0 then az = 30 if not keyword_set(psym) then psym = 3 if not keyword_set(pcolor) then pcolor = !p.color scale3, xrange = xrange, yrange = yrange, zrange = zrange, $ ax = ax, az = az for i = 0, n_elements(x)-1 do begin plots, x[i], y[i], z[i], /t3d, psym = psym, color = pcolor endfor axis, xax = 0, /t3d, /data, _extra = ex, xrange = xrange axis, yax = 0, /t3d, /data, _extra = ex, yrange = yrange axis, zax = 2, /t3d, /data, _extra = ex, zrange = zrange return end