;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION IMSCALE, IMAGE, RANGE=RANGE, BOTTOM=BOTTOM, NCOLORS=NCOLORS, $ NEGATIVE=NEGATIVE ;- Byte-scale an image (called by IMDISP) ;- Check arguments if (n_params() ne 1) then message, 'Usage: RESULT = IMDISP_IMSCALE(IMAGE)' if (n_elements(image) eq 0) then message, 'Argument IMAGE is undefined' ;- Check keywords if (n_elements(range) eq 0) then begin min_value = min(image, max=max_value) range = [min_value, max_value] endif if (n_elements(bottom) eq 0) then bottom = 0B if (n_elements(ncolors) eq 0) then ncolors = !d.table_size - bottom ;- Compute the scaled image scaled = bytscl(image, min=range[0], max=range[1], top=(ncolors - 1)) ;- Create a negative image if required if keyword_set(negative) then scaled = byte(ncolors - 1) - scaled ;- Return the scaled image in the correct color range return, scaled + byte(bottom) END pro imagemap_ci, image, lat, lon, maxbrit, newimage = newimage, range = range, $ limit = limit, position = position, isotropic = isotropic, title = title, $ xoffset = xoffset, yoffset = yoffset, xsize = xsize, ysize = ysize, $ missing = missing, noborder = noborder, noerase = noerase, lowres = lowres, $ current = current, b_scale=b_scale ;+ ;PURPOSE: ; Display an image which has latitude and longitude defined for ; each pixel on a map projection. If a map projection is not currently ; defined, then a Mercator map projection is created which corresponds to ; the lat/lon limits of the image. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IMAGEMAP, IMAGE, LAT, LON ; ;INPUT: ; IMAGE Array (2D) or vector (1D) of image values ; LAT Array or vector of latitudes corresponding to image values ; (degrees, -90.0 = S, +90.0 = N) ; LON Array or vector of longitudes corresponding to image values ; (degrees, -180.0 = W, +180.0 = E) ; ;OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ; NEWIMAGE Named variable in which resampled image array is returned. ; Note that this image is always scaled to a BYTE array. ; RANGE Range of image values used for brightness scaling, [MIN,MAX] ; (default is [MIN(IMAGE),MAX(IMAGE)]) ; LIMIT Limits of map display, [LATMIN,LONMIN,LATMAX,LONMAX] ; (default is [MIN(LAT),MIN(LON),MAX(LAT),MAX(LON)]) ; POSITION Normalized coordinates for map display window [X1,Y1,X2,Y2] ; (default is to let MAP_SET determine the window size) ; This is useful when used in conjunction with the ; ESRG BOXPOS procedure. For example, ; IMAGEMAP, IMAGE, LAT, LON, POS = BOXPOS( /RMARG ) ; will leave room at the right for a COLOR_KEY colorbar. ; ISOTROPIC If set, creates an isotropic map projection (default=non-isotropic). ; TITLE String variable containing image title (default=no title). ; XOFFSET Named variable in which the lower left device X coordinate ; of the displayed image is returned. ; YOFFSET Named variable in which the lower left device Y coordinate ; of the displayed image is returned. ; XSIZE Named variable in which the width of the displayed image ; is returned (used by devices which have scalable pixels ; such as Postscript). ; YSIZE Named variable in which the height of the displayed image ; is returned (used by devices which have scalable pixels ; such as Postscript). ; MISSING Byte value to use for missing (unfilled) portions of image ; (default is zero). ; NOBORDER If set, do not draw border around image (default=draw border). ; NOERASE If set, do not erase window before creating image (default=erase). ; LOWRES If set, draw image in low resolution mode (default=high resolution). ; CURRENT If set, use the current map projection. ; ;OUTPUT: ; The resampled image is displayed in the current graphics window ; in map coordinates. Continental outlines and lat/lon grids may be ; overlaid with MAP_CONTINENTS AND MAP_GRID. ; ;CREATED: ; Liam Gumley, CIMSS/SSEC, 26-JUL-1996 ; liam.gumley@ssec.wisc.edu ; http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/~gumley/index.html ; ;REVISED: ; Liam Gumley, CIMSS/SSEC, 17-SEP-1996 ; Modified to work with Postscript output. ; Added XOFFSET, YOFFSET, XSIZE, YSIZE keywords. ; Mercator map projection is now created only if no map projection exists. ; ; Liam Gumley, CIMSS/SSEC, 15-OCT-1996 ; Added MISSING keyword to set missing values in image. ; Added NOBORDER keyword. ; ; Liam Gumley, CIMSS/SSEC, 25-NOV-1996 ; Now uses MISSING keyword properly. ; Added NOERASE keyword. ; Added LOWRES keyword (useful for low resolution images, e.g. HIRS, AMSU). ; ; Liam Gumley, CIMSS/SSEC, 26-MAR-1999 ; Now uses NOERASE keyword properly. ; ; Liam Gumley, CIMSS/SSEC, 13-AUG-1999 ; Added CURRENT keyword. ; ;NOTES: ; (1) Hermann Mannstein (h.mannstein@dlr.de) suggested this IDL method. ; (2) This has been tested on MAS, AVHRR, GOES, and simulated MODIS data. ; It will not work well on low resolution data like HIRS or MSU. ; (3) You might run into problems with data over the poles - I've only ; tried mid-latitude imagery. ; (4) This procedure was designed for display purposes *only*. ; If you use the resampled data for any other purpose, you do so at ; your own risk. ; (5) The example takes about 15.6 seconds to execute ; on a SGI Power Indigo2 (R8000/75MHz) with 256 MB RAM. ; ;EXAMPLE: ; ;; This example is adopted from the ESRG library 'REGRID' procedure. ;; First, create latitude, longitude, and image arrays at 250x200 size. ;; ;c = complex(2,2) + cmplxgen(250,200,/center)/100 ;c = c + c^2 ;lon = float(c) - 100.0 ;lat = 20 + imaginary(c) ;image = sqrt(abs(sin(lon*!pi)*sin(lat*!pi)))^0.3 ;; ;; Resize arrays to simulate 1km resolution imagery. ;; ;lat = congrid(lat,1000,800,interp=1) ;lon = congrid(lon,1000,800,interp=1) ;image = congrid(image,1000,800,interp=1) ;; ;; Resample data to Mercator projection, and overlay coastline and grid ;; ;t0 = systime(1.0) ;imagemap,image,lat,lon ;print,'Elapsed time (sec) = ',systime(1.0)-t0 ;map_continents ;map_grid ;- ;- check limit keyword if keyword_set( limit ) then begin if n_elements( limit ) ne 4 then $ message, 'LIMIT must be a 4 element vector of the form [LATMIN,LONMIN,LATMAX,LONMAX]' latmin = limit( 0 ) lonmin = limit( 1 ) latmax = limit( 2 ) lonmax = limit( 3 ) endif else begin latmin = min( lat, max = latmax ) lonmin = min( lon, max = lonmax ) endelse ;- check keywords if not keyword_set( isotropic ) then isotropic = 0 if not keyword_set( noerase ) then noerase = 0 if n_elements( title ) eq 0 then title = ' ' if n_elements( missing ) eq 0 then missing = 0B missing = byte( ( missing > 0 ) < ( !d.table_size - 1 ) ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; z Buffering to run in the back ground. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; set_plot, 'z' device, z_buffer=0,set_colors=256,set_resolution=[1000,800] device = !d.name ;; set_plot,'PS',/interpolate ;;device,/land,/helv,font_size=12,bits=24,/color,file=plot_path+'accumctc_'+date+'_'+time+'UTC.ps' ;;!p.font = 0 ;;- create Mercator map projection if necessary after checking position keyword ;window,01;,xsize=xsize_window,ysize=ysize_window if not keyword_set( current ) then begin;; if n_elements( position ) gt 0 then begin if n_elements( position ) ne 4 then $ message, 'POSITION must be a 4 element vector of the form [X1,Y1,X2,Y2]' map_set, /CYLINDRICAL, limit = [ latmin, lonmin, latmax, lonmax ], $ title = title, isotropic = isotropic, position = position, /noborder, $ noerase = noerase ; endif else begin map_set, /CYLINDRICAL, limit =[ latmin, lonmin, latmax, lonmax ], $ title = title, isotropic = isotropic, /noborder, $ noerase = noerase endelse endif ;print,latmin,lonmin,latmax,lonmax ;- compute scaling range for byte image after checking range keyword if keyword_set( range ) then begin if n_elements( range ) ne 2 then $ message, 'RANGE must be a 2 element vector of the form [MIN,MAX]' imin = range( 0 ) imax = range( 1 ) endif else begin imin = min( image, max = imax ) endelse ;- set number of samples and lines for warped image kk=size(image, /dimensions) ns =!d.x_size ;;kk[0] ;;; nl = !d.y_size ;;;kk[1] ;;; if ( !d.flags and 1 ) then begin ns = 640L nl = long( float( ns ) * float( !d.y_size ) / float( !d.x_size ) ) endif ;- create resampled byte image p = convert_coord( lon, lat, /data, /to_normal ) IF (b_scale EQ 1) THEN BEGIN newimage = replicate( 0B, ns, nl ) ;bad=where((image gt -4) or (image lt -60.0)) ;;;added by kaba for CTC products newimage( p( 0, * ) * ( ns - 1 ), p( 1, * ) * ( nl - 1 ) ) = $ bytscl( image, min = imin, max = imax, top =maxbrit-1 ) + 1B ; !d.table_size - 2 ;newimage(bad)=255 ;0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;;BYTSCL is not giving me the expected results. please read on bytscl ;;create a new by scale where each number is just multipiled by 60 (only for CI 0,1,2,3,4" ;;to create newimage with values from 0 to 240. newimage = replicate( 0B, ns, nl ) newimage( p( 0, * ) * ( ns - 1 ), p( 1, * ) * ( nl - 1 ) )=ROUND(image *60) ENDELSE ;- extract portion of image which fits within map boundaries y = !y.window * nl x = !x.window * ns ;;y=[0.00, 0.998]*nl ;;x=[0.00, 0.998]*ns newimage = temporary(newimage( x(0):x(1), y(0):y(1) ) ) ;- compute image offset and size (device coordinates) p = convert_coord( [ x(0), x(1) ] / float( ns ), [ y(0), y(1) ] / float( nl ), $ /normal, /to_device ) xoffset = p(0,0) yoffset = p(1,0) xsize = p(0,1) - p(0,0) ysize = p(1,1) - p(1,0) ;- fill holes in resampled image nxr = 2 nyr = 2 if keyword_set( lowres ) then begin nxr = 5 nyr = 5 if ( !d.flags and 1 ) then begin nxr = 7 nyr = 7 endif endif fill = dilate( newimage, replicate( 1, nxr, nyr ), /gray ) loc = where( ( fill ge 1b ) and ( newimage eq 0 ), count ) if count ge 1 then newimage( loc ) = fill( loc ) fill = 0 ;150 ;- fill remaining undefined areas of image with the missing value loc = where( newimage eq 0B, count ) if ( count ge 1 ) and ( missing gt 0B) then newimage( loc ) = missing ;;- display resampled image ;print,xoffset ;print,yoffset ;print,xsize ;print,ysize ;; tnewimage=ROTATE_AWIPS(newimage) pp=where(newimage(*,*) EQ 0) ;If(n_elements(pp) gt 1) THEN newimage(pp)=40 tv, newimage, xoffset, yoffset, xsize = xsize, ysize = ysize ;- draw map borders if not keyword_set( noborder ) then begin plots, [ p(0,0), p(0,1) ], [ p(1,0), p(1,0) ], /device plots, [ p(0,1), p(0,1) ], [ p(1,0), p(1,1) ], /device plots, [ p(0,1), p(0,0) ], [ p(1,1), p(1,1) ], /device plots, [ p(0,0), p(0,0) ], [ p(1,1), p(1,0) ], /device endif ; ;Overlap the continental borders map_continents,color=255,mlinethick=1.0 ,/coasts, /continents , limit=limit , /US ;;/COUNTRIES, ; ;map_grid , lats=lat, lons=lon, color=0 device,/close end