PRO solar_rad_climate_budyko ;;;;; Following Budyko et. al 1968, utiliza satelite obs to studdy the effect of effect ;;;; of clouds and surface albedo and its effect on climate. ;;; contants alphap=0.33 ;;; Albedo & planetary albedo alpha1=0.32 ;;; for Ts > -10 deg C, 0 to 60 lat alpha2=0.50 ;;; Transition between these two, 60 to 70 lat alpha3=0.62 ;;; for Ts < -10 dGc C, 70 to 90 lat betta= 0.235*1000 ;;; W/M^2/dec C a=14.0 ;;; W/M^2 a1=3.0 ;;; Const b=0.14 ;;; Const b1= 0.10 ;;; Const Q= 1.92 ;1338 ;;; W/M^2 Tlat0= -9.00 ;;; surface temp deg C Qp= 1.92 ;1338 ;;; W/M^2 delQp=0.05*Qp Tp=15.0 ;;; Earth earth mean temperature delTp=0.5 ;;; Change in Earth mean planetary temp. delQ=0.05*Q ;;; percent n=0.50 ;;; CHANGE TO F(x) ;cloud fraction, change to a function n(time,lat) PI=22.0/7.0 ;Qp=(1.92*60*24*30)/(1000)*15.92 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; loadct, 39 ; ; ;Read ceres NetCDF file infile='/home/kbah/code/aos801/budyko/input/' outfile='/home/kbah/code/aos801/budyko/output/' dname='npix' ncdfid= NCDF_OPEN(infile) dims = NCDF_DIMID( ncdfid, dname) fileinfo= NCDF_INQUIRE(ncdfid) NCDF_DIMINQ, ncdfid, dims, Name1, Size1 varid0=NCDF_VARID(ncdfid, 'latitude') NCDF_VARGET,ncdfid, varid0, lats0 varid1=NCDF_VARID(ncdfid, 'stceresm') NCDF_VARGET,ncdfid, varid1, Tsurf0 ;goodpixels=WHERE(Tsurf0 Gt -999) goodpixels=WHERE(lats0 GE 0) Tsurf1=Tsurf0(goodpixels) Tsurf1(*)=Tsurf1(*)-273.15 ;;Convert to Celsius lats=lats0(goodpixels) pp=WHERE((lats0 GT -999)and (tsurf0 GT -999)) lats0=lats0(pp) tsurf0=tsurf0(pp) ;;define arrays ;lats=FINDGEN(91) Tsurf2=FLTARR(N_ELEMENTS(Tsurf1)) Slat=FLTARR(N_ELEMENTS(Tsurf1)) alpha=FLTARR(N_ELEMENTS(Tsurf1)) Slat(*)= PI*COS(lats(*)/180.*(7.0)) ;Slat(*)= PI*(COS(lats(*))/2.0) ;;Lat. dependent function. ;Slat(*)=Slat(*)/max(slat) WHILE (ARRAY_EQUAL(TSURF1, TSURF2) eq 0)DO BEGIN FOR ii=0, N_ELEMENTS(lats)-1 DO BEGIN IF (Tsurf1(ii) GT -10.0) THEN alpha(ii)=alpha1 IF (Tsurf1(ii) EQ -10.0) THEN alpha(ii)=alpha2 IF (Tsurf1(ii) LT -10.0) THEN alpha(ii)=alpha3 ENDFOR alphap=MEAN(alpha) ;;Planetary albedo Tp=mean(Tsurf1) ;Tp1=((Qp*(1-alphap)-(a0-n*dela))/(b0- n*delb)) ;-273.15 ; 15 FOR ii=0, N_ELEMENTS(lats)-1 DO BEGIN ;Tsurf2(ii)=(Qp*Slat(ii)*(1-alpha(ii))*(1+(delQ/Q)) - (a0- n*(dela)) + betta*(Tp+delTp))/(betta +b0 -n*delb) Tsurf2(ii)=(Q*(1-alpha(ii))*(1+(delQp/Qp)) - a+a1*n + betta*Tp + (betta*Qp/b-b1*n)*((delQp/Qp)*(1-alphap- 0.30*Slat(ii)) -0.30*Slat(ii)))/(betta +b -b1*n) ENDFOR Tsurf2(*)=Tsurf2(*)*(-1.0) +32 ;Tsurf1=Tsurf2 print, 'stop' ;;;pLOT sub routines ;;;; outfile = outfile+'' ttl = '!5testing tSurf plots' PLOT,lats[9000:18152], Tsurf1[9000:18152],THICK=2,$ xs=3,xrange=[0,90],ys=1,yrange=[-10,40],LINESTYLE=0,$ xtitle = '!5Latitude',ytitle = '!5Surface temperature [C]',$ title = '!5Avg. Lat. -Temp. Distribution ', POSITION=[0.15,0.15,0.85,0.85],CHARSIZE=2.2 oplot, lats, tsurf2,LINESTYLE=2,THICK=2 ;,COLOR=100 outputdata=outfile + 'surfacetemp.dat' close,20 openw, 20,outputdata printf,20, 'Tsurf1' printf,20, Tsurf1 printf,20, ' ' printf,20, ' ' printf,20, 'Latitudes' printf,20, lats close, 20 PRINT, 'STOP' ENDWHILE print, 'stop' END ; Tsurf(ii)=(Q*Slat(ii)*(1-alpha) - (a0 - n*dela) + betta*Tp)/(betta + (b0- n*delb)) ; delTp= (Qp/b0-n*delb)*(delQp/Qp*(1-alpha-delalpha) -delalpha) ;;changes in mean planetry temp. ; Tp= ((Qp*(1-alpha) - (a0-n*dela))/(b0-n*delb)) ;;Planetary Temperature ; T= (Q*(1-alpha)*(1+(delQp/Qp)) - a+a1*n(ii) + betta*Tpm + (betta*Qp/b-b1*n(ii))*((delQp/Qp)*(1-alphap- 0.30*S) -0.30*S))/(betta +b -b1*n(ii)) ; Tlat0=Tlat(ii) ; alpha0=alpha ;;after first loop alpha0=alpha