Installation instructions for the Simulated ABI 05-06 June 2005 WES case: 1) Create a directory called "2005June05" and Copy all of the files from the DVD into the empty directory. 2) Run the installation script with the following command: sh ./ The files will be placed into the directory named 2005June05 3) Run a localization to go along with the case. We recommend using MKX. 4) Verify that the case is located in the 2005June05 directory and is viewable (i.e., view with ~/DRT/start_awips ) 5) You may delete the data files used in the installation process with the command: rm -r *.tar.gz 6) Consult the accompanying ABI WES guide for this case,if you do not already have these documents, you may also download them at: If you have any questions, email Kaba Bah or Tim Schmit at: or