April 25, 2006 --+ |-data/ nedr, eigenvector, eigenvector coefficient files |-fortran/ main codes (including namelist, and make file) |-profile_true/ cube profiles (true) |-profile_rtvl/ retrieved cube profiles |-TOABT/ cube TOA brightness temperature and cloud information (i) Both true and retrieved profiles have the format indicated at: ftp://ftp.ssec.wisc.edu/ABI/OceanWind/rtvl_profiles/00README while cloud information has the format as: ftp://ftp.ssec.wisc.edu/ABI/OceanWind/true_profiles/00README (ii) The data read from "true" profile are only: 1) cloud mask 2) latitudes Questions and comments regarding to this regression retrieval and data structure, please contact: Dr. Jun Li Chian-Yi Liu